Deconstructed Screen Printing Supply List

Supplies for Deconstructed Screen printing (Day 1 or preparing screen(s)):
o   Printing Screen:  you can find these at Hobby Lobby, or art supply stores, or make your own.  There are lots of YouTube’s/blogs that will show you how to do this.  I would recommend two screens per person but if you don’t want to invest or make an extra screen, one is fine.
·        We can make one screen with texture and another screen using thickened dyes as a resist!  What fun!
o   Squeegees:  I have several Bondo scrappers’ (automotive tool!) so if you don’t have a squeegee or textile scraper, don’t purchase.  Even a credit card will work! 
o   Rubber gloves, spoons for mixing dye/print paste, old cottage cheese size containers (4 or 5) or other containers with lids for dyes,
o   old hand towel or paper towels, newspaper, apron, rubber (small) spatulas
o   Squeeze bottles with tips or extruders (optional).  I will bring both with me.
o   Plastic sheeting to cover your work area.
o   Print Paste – I should have plenty of this.  I will mix up the day before we meet so it’s all ready to go.
o   Fiber Reactive dyes: Color dye of your choice.  If you don’t have any dyes, not a problem.  I’m bringing several with me.  You may want a dark brown or black to use with resist/extruder printing.
o   Items forTexture: 
·        bubble wrap (pop the bubbles!)
·         cardboard coffee wraps from Starbucks, Tim Horton’s, etc. or corrugated cardboard
·        Plastic wrap, Heavy brown craft paper, newspaper
·        Lace, mesh screen, rubber bands
·        Leaves, balloons (no, not blown up!)
·        Stencils, torn paper (we can screen print after our deconstructed screens are totally released of dyes)
·        Anything that will leave an imprint

We could make our print boards while our screens are drying on Day 1.  Unless you each already have a print board.
·        Print Board:  You need a slightly padded, flat surface.  2’x2’ is a good size
To make one, get some insulation foam board, heavy cardboard, or plywood…anything that starts off flat.
o     Cover with felt, carpet padding, batting (not poly…flat batt), or foam.
o   Cover above with medium weight clear vinyl (you can purchase at JoAnn’s).   This works better than regular plastic.  You’ll stretch around board and tape on the back using duct tape. 
o   Cover vinyl with a drop/catch cloth and using small T pins, pin around the edges…stretching fabric to remove wrinkles. 

Supplies for Deconstructed Screen printing Day 2
·        Soda ash soaked fabric which is dry.  Try to keep flat rather than scrunched up.  You’ll be pinning to your board but easier to not start off with lots of wrinkles!  Don’t iron your soda soaked fabric as it may scorch.
·        Most of same supplies we had the first day

·        Trash bags (black bags hold the heat better!) to cover the printed fabrics for batching or plastic sheeting

Robbie Payne
December 2016

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